


On Christmas Day, Stacey tells Jean she killed Archie, so a panicked Jean takes Lily away from her. The male of the pair extra often brings nesting branches, while the female takes the first position in building. While the robbery is being carried out two more dancers run completely bare. Stacey convinces Jean that Janine has framed her and Ryan plans to run away along with her. Stacey tells Martin she has a stalker, and when Jean and Ollie visit, she tells them too. When Shabnam asks why Stacey is hiding the picture from Martin, Stacey admits he isn't the father but the real father was a one-night stand before getting along with him. Stacey gives birth at Lily's nativity play and Martin names the child Arthur Fowler, after his father. When Shabnam finds the child scan Stacey is hiding, Stacey throws her out of the flat and tears up the scan picture. Kat finds out the place she lives and visits, the place she meets Lily (Aine Garvey) and Stacey's boyfriend, Luke Riley (Matt Willis).

Luke believes that Stacey's identify is „Jenny Smith“ and is unaware of her criminal historical past. Janine says that Stacey killed Archie but nobody believes her. Stacey decides to lastly clear Bradley's name and calls the police, telling them that she killed Archie. She then breaks down and tells Ryan that Janine is telling the reality. When Stacey later attends a church service and prays for her father, she sees Kyle, who then leaves suddenly with out telling her who he's, inflicting her to turn out to be extra suspicious. Stacey and Kat then visit Janine in prison to ask her to withdraw the assertion she made accusing Stacey of stabbing her, over three years ago. Stacey tells Ryan she doesn't want him to return along with her, because she is unsure whether or not she actually loves him. Stacey opens the field but it's empty, so when she confronts Jean, Jean reveals that Brian had another household with one other lady, saying they deliberate to give Stacey the important thing when she turned 21 however after Brian's death, Sean stole it. Stacey realises that Jean knows who it's, and when she asks, Jean produces the key. (Image:

Jean sees the important thing and turns into angry, so Stacey is curious and tries to seek out what the key is for, to no avail; Jean pretends to flush the important thing down the bathroom. Jean reveals that Kyle has been trying to contact her and Stacey by letters, making Stacey realise that Kyle is her half-brother. Stacey contemplates suicide however Max stops her and says he will help her escape. When Stacey finds out Martin is planning to suggest, she says she does not want to get married again. The document says „examples“ of this promotion embody references to „PPM (pay per meet)“, „CashMeets“, „Book me“, „IRL Meet“, „scort“ and others. Stacey runs out of the home covered in blood and Janine convinces Jean to call the police. Ronnie and her younger sister Roxy Mitchell (Rita Simons) confront her over their father's murder, and Stacey confesses that she did kill Archie. Ronnie tells her to go away town, realising that she has suffered enough, and Max drives her to the airport because the police arrive on the Square.

Janine reluctantly agrees, so Stacey can return to Albert Square. Stacey sees Kat leaving and heads back to Albert Square to confront her. Kush and Stacey persuade Carmel not to inform Shabnam or Martin. She decides to keep the baby after a speak with Shabnam and Martin agrees to stand by her. She and her baby are wonderful, and she finds out she is having a boy. Kush tells Stacey that they must inform the reality to Shabnam and Martin concerning the paternity of Stacey's baby. Stacey lets Janine in and she tries to set Stacey up for attempted homicide by grabbing a knife, putting it in Stacey's hand and stabbing herself. Stacey leaves the pub in tears, followed by Ryan. Ryan convinces Stacey to leave with him as Janine will call the police. Stacey discovers she is pregnant, however Martin asks her to get a termination, claiming that it is too quickly in their relationship. Kush's buddy, Martin Fowler (James Bye) becomes her flatmate. Jean reveals the secret's for Brian's safety deposit box in a bank. Jean returns and reveals that she is marrying Ollie Walters (Tony O'Callaghan) the next day.