


Swiss energy traders have posted record returns over the last few years as they thrived in extremely volatile markets brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and then Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year.

The United States has been shoring up alliances in the Asia-Pacific seeking to counter China's assertiveness in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, as Beijing seeks to advance its territorial claims.

Some of it is weather related,„ he said. That´s about 1,000 LNG cargoes. and the rest is demand destruction, close to 20%. „Europe was taking about 110 billion cubic meters per year from Russia. We think Europe was able to cover about half…

„The theater forces will maintain a high state of alert at all times and take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security and peace and stability in the South China Sea,“ said Tian Junli, a spokesman for China's Southern Theatre Command.

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, March 21 (Reuters) - Energy trader Gunvor made strong profits last year and is looking to expand its oil trading and develop a significant power trading arm in the United States, its CEO told Reuters.

„It was a very, very good year. All our activities did very well,“ CEO Torbjorn Tornqvist told Reuters on the sidelines of the Financial Times Commodities Global Summit, declining to give figures as the firm's results are still being finalised.

„We strongly believe that now is not the time to consider the opening up of a pathway for Russian and Belarusian athletes to return to the Olympic Games in any status,“ the Polish foreign ministry said in a statement issued jointly with Britain, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Novak Djokovic said he had no regrets about missing tournaments at Indian Wells and Miami due to his Covid-19 vaccination status but hoped that he would be allowed into the United States later this year for the US Open.

„While the IOC has made no final decisions yet, we strongly urge it to reconsider its plans and return to the original well-proven stance supported by the international community,“ the Polish statement said.

The DOJ and the financial market regulator the CFTC have continued investigating the firm and Gunvor expects to pay a fine. „We are looking at whether to take a provision on our books for 2022,“ Tornqvist said.

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Ohtani only made one start for the Angels before leaving for Japan, for whom he pitched 9 2-3 innings with a 1.86 ERA in three WBC appearances. The last outing was Tuesday´s ninth-inning appearance against the United States, where he fanned Trout on a full-count slider to set off a celebration

WARSAW, March 27 (Reuters) - Russian and Belarusian athletes should be banned from the 2024 Olympics in Paris unless Moscow pulls its forces out of Ukraine, according to Poland, Britain and the Baltic states, despite the IOC saying it plans to let them compete as neutrals.

external frameThe International Olympic Committee (IOC) sanctioned Russia and Belarus after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 but is now reluctant to exclude their athletes from the Olympics entirely for fear of a return to the boycotts of the Cold War era.